TA Code | Latin term | English term |
A06.5.01.001 |
↓ A06.5.01.002 |
Pulmo dexter
Right lung
↓ A06.5.01.003 |
Pulmo sinister
Left lung
A06.5.01.004 |
Basis pulmonis
Base of lung
A06.5.01.005 |
Apex pulmonis
Apex of lung
A06.5.01.006 |
Facies costalis
Costal surface
A06.5.01.007 |
Pars vertebralis
Vertebral part
A06.5.01.008 |
Facies mediastinalis
Mediastinal surface
A06.5.01.009 |
Impressio cardiaca
Cardiac impression
A06.5.01.010 |
Facies diaphragmatica
Diaphragmatic surface
A06.5.01.011 |
Facies interlobaris
Interlobar surface
A06.5.01.012 |
Margo anterior
Anterior border
A06.5.01.013 |
Incisura cardiaca pulmonis sinistri
Cardiac notch of left lung
A06.5.01.014 |
Margo inferior
Inferior border
A06.5.01.015 |
Hilum pulmonis
Hilum of lung
A06.5.01.016 |
Radix pulmonis
Root of lung
A06.5.01.017 |
Lobus superior
Superior lobe; Upper lobe
A06.5.01.018 |
Lingula pulmonis sinistri
Lingula of left lung
A06.5.01.019 |
Lobus medius pulmonis dextri
Middle lobe of right lung
A06.5.01.020 |
Lobus inferior
Inferior lobe; Lower lobe
A06.5.01.021 |
Fissura obliqua
Oblique fissure
A06.5.01.022 |
Fissura horizontalis pulmonis dextri
Horizontal fissure of right lung
A06.5.01.023 |
Vasa sanguinea intrapulmonalia
Intrapulmonary blood vessels
Entries: 23 | Notes: 2 | Date: 28.01.2013 |
♦ TA98 footnote | ♠ TA98 correction note | ♣ TA98 RAT note | ♥ TA98 redirection note |
♠ | A06.5.01.002 | Pulmo dexter A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing "left" with "right" in the English equivalent term. |
♠ | A06.5.01.003 | Pulmo sinister A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing "right" with "left" in the English equivalent term. |